20th Workshop on Economic Modeling (WEM) 2024: Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Global Challenges using GTAPinGAMS and MPSGE


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The workshop is targeted to economists at universities, research centers, consultancies, and ministries that are interested in the macroeconomic impact assessment of policy interventions using state-of-the art computable general equilibrium analysis. While CGE models are used in many policy fields for quantitative impact assessment, the workshop will primarily focus on CGE analysis of climate and trade policies.

Start: 19/02/2024
End: 23/02/2024

Cristina Hotel; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Responses to global challenges such as climate change, international trade conflicts, or disruptions in global supply chains should be based on the systematic impact assessment of alternative policy options. The economic analysis of policies affecting markets in multiple countries requires both data and theory. We provide computational tools developed in the GAMS modeling language to extract the GTAP data base of the global economy. We use empirical GTAP data for computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis facilitated by MPSGE as a meta-language to implement CGE models in a compact non-algebraic manner. The workshop will demonstrate the practical usefulness of CGE analysis by means of policy-relevant applications to carbon tariffs in climate policy, disruptive trade policies, and supply chain shocks.

