
De interés para:
Sector salud


IHI will publish preliminary information on our calls for proposals for 2025. In parallel, we will launch our new networking and brokerage platform and open registration for our brokerage event, which will be held in Brussels on 12-13 November.


To help people prepare for the call and get the most out of both the platform and the brokerage event, we are organising an online info session on Thursday 10 October at 10:30 CEST. During the info session, we will:


present the scope of IHI’s next call for proposals;

demonstrate how to use the new brokerage platform to create a personal profile, publish project proposals, and search for both potential partners and interesting proposals;

Registration is free but obligatory.

The event will be recorded and the slides and recording will be published.


Innovative Health initiative


Describe how to apply to deliver a pitch and present a poster at the brokerage event.