[Posibles colaboraciones]
De interés para:
Expected Role of a Partner
The partner will share its experience and best practice, be a role model for Slovak University in building the centre of excellence, train the staff, involve in networking, etc.
Type and Size of Partner
R&D Institution
Slovak university is searching for established strategic partner that has developed an outstanding reputation in research and innovation excellence in the HPC and AI domain for joint project proposal within Horizon Europe – Widera – Teaming for Excellence call for proposal
Full Description
The objective of the project is to establish a state-of-the-art research and innovation institute for leveraging High-Performance Computing (HPC) to advance AI research, applications, and industrial ecosystems in Slovakia. The project will support effective use of existing infrastructure, introduce energy-efficient systems, and foster international collaboration to strengthen Slovakia’s position in the global AI-HPC ecosystem. This project should bring Slovakia on HPC map in Europe and worldwide.