
De interés para:
This webinar is specially oriented to all these organisations already involved in consortia for upcoming Horizon Europe calls that want to maximise the competitivity of their proposal and the chances to be successful, but are struggling on how to integrate best long term strategies and the measures to have an effect in society, environment or the market.


jue, 20 jun

9:00 – 10:30 WEST


Horizon Europe is the key EU funding programme for RDI and it is a great opportunity to materialise groundbreaking ideas and cooperation. Applying to and succeeding in Horizon Europe calls, remains a challenge for researchers and innovators, despite the accumulated experience from previous framework programmes and the first half of Horizon Europe.


During this webinar, one of PNO’s Senior Innovation Consultant will share the key aspects that a successful impact section shall have in a comprehensive and practical manner. Moreover, attending the training grants access to individual support meetings to answer impact-related questions.


The main ouputs that will be obtained are:

Key concepts of the Impact sections that enable a professionalised approach to it.

Tips and recommendations to analyse long term strategies.

How to consider the competitive environment and the general context.

Value chain and target audiences analysis.

The business case and sustainability of project results.

Core aspects of IP management.

How to translate the proposal and description of action to the actual execution.


The training includes:

Online 1.5h training dedicated to Impact section on Horizon Europe proposals.

2 1h online meetings with PNO experts to answer participants (2 hours in total).

Participation certificate and access to materials used.


The training has limited places to ensure a proper organisation of the individual meetings.


Cost of the training is 500€ (excl. VAT if applicable). The amount will be invoiced and must be paid after registration process to confirm participation.


Información e inscripciones.