
De interés para:
Sobre internet de las cosas


Encuentro empresarial que se celebra en el marco del Congreso IOT Solutions World Congress, donde se exploran las tecnologías disruptivas que impulsan soluciones para los retos de la industria.


This Brokerage Event will provide you with the unique opportunity to meet potential partners related to industry 4.0 technologies.


The congress will gather in Barcelona Internet of Things solutions applied to industry: manufacturing, health, energy, transport and much more!

Who can you meet with?

International and local expert technology providers who can boost your digital transformation, and international and local technology adopters.



The meetings can be held physically in the venue of IOTSWC Congress, online or both:

Physical meetings from May 21st to May 23rd :

On May 21st and 22nd Brokerage IOT

On May 23rd Brokerage for the Semiconductor Industry

Online meetings from May 28th to May 30th



El encuentro empresarial tiene sesiones b2b  presenciales y virtuales.


IOT Solutions World Congress Brockerage Event  Barcelona 21-30 Mayo.